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Features and Services
  • Availability of round the clock critical care expert
  • Medical Intensive care unit (MICU)
  • Critical Care Unit(CCU)
  • 2:1 Nurse to patient ratio
  • Fully motorized ICU beds with 5 way movement functions, Nurse call system
  • Code blue System and 6 parameter monitoring
  • advance ventilator
  • Best low energy biphasic defibrillators with pacing facilities
  • Central ICU stations equipped with web viewer
Treatments and Procedures
  • Continuous monitoring for critically ill or injured patients
  • Life support measures for patients with multi organ failure
  • Post-operative care to critically ill, surgical patients
  • Non-invasive and invasive ventilation
  • Dialysis, percutaneous tracheotomies, chest drain insertions and fibre optic bronchoscopies
  • Multidisciplinary meetings for complicated patients
  • Retrieval services (CPR)

Quick Contacts

Please feel free to contact us for any medical inquiry
Trust Us To Be There To Help All & Make Things Well Again.